Closing the Technology Gap, Opening Doors: Williams and PAIR's Impact on Refugee Youth

Thank You, Williams , for Supporting Our Refugee Youth Through Technology!

At PAIR, we believe in the transformative power of education and mentorship, especially for refugee youth who are navigating the challenges of adjusting to a new life and academic environment. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Williams, we’ve witnessed firsthand how access to the right tools can make a world of difference.

Recently, Williams donated 20 high-quality, laptop computers that our students are already using to enhance their learning and pursue academic success. The smiles on their faces as they pick up their new laptops have been priceless. For many of them, this is the first computer they’ve ever owned—opening doors to new learning possibilities, career exploration, and, most importantly, tools for success.

These computers are more than just devices. They are opportunities for growth. They help bridge the digital divide and give refugee youth the equitable access to succeed in their education, prepare for future careers, and engage in a globalized world.


Corporate Giving: A Meaningful Investment in the Community

Williams’ donation highlights the incredible impact that corporate partnerships can have on organizations like PAIR. Through their generosity, Williams has not only provided essential technology but also demonstrated their deep commitment to giving back to the community. When companies invest in their local communities, especially underserved populations like refugee youth, they are directly contributing to the growth, empowerment, and success of the next generation.

Corporate donors like Williams play a critical role in helping us meet the needs of our students. The resources they provide allow us to continue offering the support, mentorship, and opportunities that refugee youth need to thrive. Williams’ commitment to this cause is a powerful reminder of how corporations can step in and make a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable youth.

The Impact of Board Leadership and Corporate Engagement

In addition to financial and in-kind support, corporate engagement through board leadership offers unique opportunities for individuals to shape the future of refugee youth in our community. We are incredibly fortunate to have Bola Adeshina, who not only serves as a dedicated PAIR board member but also works at Williams. Through her leadership and passion for our mission, Bola engaged her company to make this impactful donation of computers to our students.

Her commitment to our cause highlights the power of combining personal advocacy with corporate resources. Bola's dual role at Williams and PAIR exemplifies how board members can leverage their professional networks to make a lasting difference in the community. Thanks to her initiative, Williams has become an invaluable partner in our mission to empower refugee youth and create pathways for their success.

Board membership provides a rewarding opportunity for corporate leaders to share their expertise, networks, and resources while giving back in a significant way. It allows individuals like Bola, and companies like Williams, to take an active role in driving our mission forward, fostering long-term impact, and empowering the refugee community.

If you or your company are looking for ways to give back to the community and create lasting impact, we encourage you to consider board service or corporate partnerships with PAIR. Together, we can bridge gaps, build opportunities, and help refugee youth realize their full potential.

Thank you again, Williams, for your generosity and support. Your investment in our students will have lasting effects on their futures, and we are deeply grateful for your partnership.

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